*NOTE* Websites are no longer active! host has shut down the domain


Timeline of Pink Dolphin (Brand) Fanpage

This website consisted of creating a timeline of something or someone that we like. The idea was to create a scrolling page filled with animations and effects. I ended up choosing a clothing brand that I have always been a fan of. The Brand's name is 'Pink Dolphin' which consist of street wear, vintage, and vivid colors. My idea was to try and animate my fanpage website as best as I could since it was my oppurtunity to go above and beyond. Anyway, I learned many new skills when I was editing this site and even created my own gif as the background. Unfortunaly, some items did not go as planned because of sizing issues or time conflict. Other than that, I am proud of the end result.

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  • FirstSite

    Fanpage of OBEY (Brand)

    This was one of my first sites ever done. Everything was first done in Codepen and then transfered over to github. This was done during a time when I was taking the 'Websites for Beginners' course at Bitwise. Some items may look choppy but they are left like that in order to show my progress and improvements of coding overtime. This site also includes another fan page of a clothing brand called 'OBEY' (which I do not wear) but, I do admire their artwork.

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  • CollegeSite

    Project Timeline for a Graphic Design Class

    Our assignment on this site was to create a website that featured animated projects that were done throughout the Graphic Design course. This GD class involved working with Motion Graphics and Text Animations within videos. In this website, you can find demo videos that showcase reels based on the projects. This was my first course where I learned to animate vector designs with After Effects. It was the same as working with Adobe Premiere. This website may take some time to load - due to there being a lot of animated objects.

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